Most people know the basics of airsoft. It’s a military-like weapon that utilizes small pellets to play a fun strategy game. This game is great for military role-play, and is played by many different groups of people. Although there doesn’t seem to be much else to the game, there’s a lot of fun information that you might not know! Here’s a few airsoft facts to get you excited about the game:

- Airsoft originated in Japan, almost a decade before the first paintball
The first airsoft guns originated in Japan in the 1970’s. The general public wanted to be able to have some sort of weapon, however, firearms were outlawed at the time. They were created by a man named Ichiro Nagata who manufactured the guns in such a way that they wouldn’t cause serious harm. This opened doors for safe and exciting gameplay in the future.
2. There are generally three types of airsoft guns: gas-powered, spring-powered, and electric.
Gas-Powered: These are of the least accurate airsoft guns. Not only are they inaccurate, but they can only function for a short period of time, usually the duration of the clip. This makes it fairly unreliable when it comes to playing the game effectively and conveniently.
Spring-Powered: These are more accurate than gas-powered guns, and are the easiest to play with. It’s not quite as fast because it requires you to pump or cock the gun before every shot. These guns are typically the least expensive, making it a great gun for first-time buyers.
Electric: These are the fastest and most accurate guns out of the three types. It doesn’t require you to cock it back, and lasts much longer than the gas guns. It may take a while to charge, however it gives you a longer range. These guns are great for players of a competitive nature, as the duration and speed in which they can play tops the two other types of guns.

3. Airsoft is used for real combat training
For those new to the military, they may find themselves using an airsoft gun. This is a safe and realistic way to allow soldiers to train before they move to the field. It’s interesting to think about how so many come out to the airsoft fields to play in a similar way that our military does!
Airsoft is a great team-building activity. It not only encourages players to be physically active, but it can also improve your mental health. Getting up to play a fun strategy game with your friends (or even strangers) is a great way to get some social interaction in. It allows you to team up and communicate with other players, plus, winning the game is pretty satisfying.
For more information on the history of airsoft, visit:
For more information about the different types of guns, visit:,have%20their%20advantages%20and%20disadvantages.
For some extra basic information about the sport, you can visit:
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